Monday, May 10, 2010


For whatever reason, I'm less happy now in this glorious spring than I was during the worst winter in Nebraska history.  

I've found that I'm alone most of the time...empty nest right now and St. Jim is on the road 5 days a week.  I am such a good citizen and an extremely responsible person that I knew if I volunteered for something, I'd follow through on it....and do it well!  So, I volunteered to foster puppies for a pet rescue. I suppose that sounds extreme but, had to do something extreme to change my feelings.   
In the first place, I knew that it would get me outside and keep me outside.  I have a few hundred square feet of garden's in the back yard, and I've gotten so much exercise and sunshine this past week weeding and tending.  The puppies play around me when I'm out's great.

Zoe, our 3 yr. old lab is famous for her funny personality and great dog manners.  The good citizen part of me thought that she would be such an excellent mentor for puppies and rescue dogs.  
Also, we have neighborhood children around here every day now!  We've always been "that" house (the one where children are drawn to)but, now I have the joy of children in my space as they bubble with delight while playing with the puppies every day after school.
My parent's older lab, Brie, was here to meet Chuck (above) and Carli.  Brie had knee surgery 4 weeks ago, hence the shaved leg.

I could watch them for hours but, they ARE only 7 weeks old so, do sleep a lot.

Enjoy looking at the rest of the puppy pictures, it sure has lifted my spirits having them here!  Oh!  And to all you mothers, hope you had a nice day yesterday.


  1. Hi Cindy...
    Long time no see.
    Puppies have a way of cheering you up and keeping you company don't they?
    Rock On wit your Cornhusker self...:P

  2. Who doesn't love puppies? They're adorable!

  3. That is some SERIOUS puppy cuteness right there!

  4. Isn't it wonderful how puppies can warm and soothe a sore heart! What a positive solution for you, too. It seems like a win win win situation to me. Happy Puppies!

  5. PS It's good to see you back

  6. You are so resourceful, finding a "cause" to work for, and then you follow through. I have met Peeps like you. Fearless, Sweet-natured, always ready to assist, and happy in general. It is again refreshing!

  7. I've had some blues myself lately. I told my husband I wanted a puppy. I know it would help...wouldn't change anything, but would be a fun diversion. But, we have a 14-year-old beagle who rules the house. She is so spoiled and I know she would get her feelings, I'm not doing it. They are darling-I'm glad they are helping. How will you ever let them go?

  8. Thanks for stopping by my blog, Cindy. Love the Elkhorn story; that sounds like something I would do. (And my kids in their younger days would have been mortified!)

    Those puppies are so cute!


  9. Awwww, they are precious! I used to foster puppies for the Humane Society, but my family got so attached to them, we ended up adopting many of them, so I had to stop fostering. So glad you're having such fun with yours. laurie

  10. They are so cute. And what a great thing to do. Nothing like some puppy breath to make me smile.

  11. They are So Cute! Puppies can make ANYTHING better! :)

  12. Love the puppies! Thank you for commenting on my blog.

  13. Adorable! How sweet of you to donate your time. Having the puppies and the neighborhood kids must make you smile!


  14. Lotso cute happening here! How cute is that first one of them just looking at each other!


I'm happy to hear anything that you think! Thank you!