Nowadays, our free time is tending to and nurturing a foster dog here and there. The black one int he back is Brodie, he belongs to my friend Helen. We had him for two weeks whilst she and her husband were back in Scotland. She's a recent transplant. I was happy when she came back after 2 weeks and was happy to be home. Brodie is a 2 yr. old lab/pointer. The puppy in front is my all time favorite foster, Sophie. Sophie is 12 weeks in this picture. She may go to her forever home in the next couple of days. I heard she was full pitbull, uh NO. She's boxer and horse or Great Dane.
Here's Sophie by my groovy lower oven. I love her so much, I hope her new family would let me dog sit if they ever travel!

We are Family Reunion nuts. This photo is from a small town in Nebraska called Creston. It was the Rolfs/Glandt Reunion. There was a 7th generation kid there. Mostly pretty old people but, ohhhhhh the stories! And pictures. I took a scanner and got quite a few. We meet every other year so, will scan some more. We're committed to getting as many photos copied and stories recorded. For instance, Wilhemina Rolfs Glandt had 14 children. Seven lived to adulthood. The 5 little boys are buried up there and the two little girls are buried by Omaha. Interesting to me, and a few others I guess so, we'll keep doing it.
Seven of us traveled to Creston for this Reunion. My Mom and Dad, me and my 18 yr. old son, my brother's 28 yr. old son, my sister and her 8 yr. old daughter. Oh how we love road trips. On the way home, Brandon (my nephew) got this to nosh on.

If you read the Ingrediends on the Tijuana Mama it says "Mechanically Separated Chicken, Pork...did that make for some hilarious guesses.
Three days ago was another Family Reunion in Our garage. This one was for the Koch Family in Nebraska. Again, another fun and interesting day. We pulled out all of the vintage tablecloths for this one, good idea, huh? Well more later.