Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Inadvertantly Funny Store Name

Hello all!  We've had a super busy summer and I am still out here.  I read and love all of your blogs!  We were in Tabor, Iowa gassing up and I saw this funny name of a Drug Store, funny to me anyway.
Stoner  Drug, yep!
And then, here is one from Central Nebraska.
The Love Mortuary

We had gone over to the tiny town of Riverton, Iowa to see a former foster puppy, Chuck.  He was my first and all time favorite.  Well, that is until we got this fat Third-hand dog to foster (we were her known 3rd home) named Lily.  I loved Lily so much, I couldn't imagine her being away from us.  So we adopted her!
Chuck is BIG and very active now.  A far cry from the sick little puppy he was when we had him last year.
And then, here is our Lily, who cost me $130 yesterday on account of a split nail.  AND, we were good dog owners and just had her nails cut two weeks previously.
I love my WeeWee (Lily) but, she's not wee...she's 82.5# as of yesterday.  
So, more later, sooner than later I hope!


  1. I've seen "The Love Mortuary"! but I can't seem to remember what town it was in, gasp! possibly an old Junk Jaunt memory?

  2. I want to say that it (Love Mortuary) was in Dennebrog, Ne?

  3. hey! i just noticed that you started following my blog. i'm flattered. :) love the pictures! those store names are indeed funny. the first one really makes me chuckle. i love your puppies. :) i'm such an animal person.

  4. I had to quit fostering puppies and dogs, because we were too attached to them to give them up. When we had kept four of them, my husband said, "enough"! Stoner Drug! Too funny. laurie @ Battling My Inner Critic

  5. I love seeing funny names on places of business. Too funny! And the dogs are precious. I need to talk my hubby into getting a dog.

  6. Heeee! That store should be in Weed, Oregon.

  7. Boy am I in the right place! Look at all of those beautiful dogs!

    And the Love Mortuary! Is that a famous landmark? Love it!

  8. HAAAA. I love seeing funny names on places of business


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