Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I'm still blue but, making the best of it!

Thank you to Lynn at http://lynnslovelies.blogspot.com/ for this award! You've made me smile!

One thing that I've learned, regardless of life's roadblocks and speedbumps, keep living! We went to a few Nebraska Vineyard/Winerys and tasted wine, even drank a little wine.

This is at Big Cottonwood Vineyard and Winery in Tekamah, Nebraska. Jim's paying, he had a pop here. As a professional driver, he can't have any measurable b.a.c. or he loses that license. This lady was the mother-in-law of the owner. She was so cute...and deliberate. I enjoyed talking with her. I wish I took a picture of the cheese platter she put together for us. It was 2 blocks of cheese in their package with a mish mash of crackers! Tasty though!

This is at the Silver Creek Hills Vineyard and Winery in Tekamah. We were doing the eastern Nebraska Wine Tour (my name for what we did) because Jim's sister and bro.-in-law were our houseguests for the weekend. They hail from Manitowoc, WI and enjoy Winerys.

This sign was on the wall at the Loess Hills Vineyard and Winery. The owners of that were really fun! "Live A Good Life. And in the end, it's not the years in a life, it's the life in the years". I took that sign as a sign!


  1. I am so glad you took that little tour! Wine tasting especially ata vineyard are so much fun! Was the wine good?
    Sorry to hear you are still blue, but keep your chin up. Things do get better, Keep looking to God for strength and keep busy~ (that always helps me a little:)


  2. Oh I love that sign at the end. What a great saying.

  3. Sounds like a good sign and a good plan for living.

  4. great sign and I agree with you - keep on living even when your blue as hard as it is - it helps get us through!

  5. Hi Cindy! Thank you for popping in to visit my blog! I saw one of your picnic baskets on your deck. It looks very inviting out there!

  6. Hi Cindy~~
    I have an award for you...Please stop by my latest post and see what it is♥


  7. Hi Cindy!

    I haven't been by here in a while. So I'm trying to get around to catching up on some of my peeps blogs. I hope you are having a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.


I'm happy to hear anything that you think! Thank you!